Traffic Impact Assessments

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Auckland’s CBD development over recent years (and continuing) means a higher demand on the electricity network and not unexpectedly, upgrade work is occurring in parallel to ensure supply can meet demand and network resilience is appropriate. A major component of that was the upgrade of the 22kV line running the full length of Nelson St. Obviously this is an extremely busy corridor meaning a high degree of planning and coordination was necessary to even break ground.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Huia No1. Watermain Upgrade

Renewal of the large diameter watermain called Huia No.1 which has reached the end of its useful life. The watermain was built in the 1940s after World War II. To extend its life it was rehabilitated in the 1980s but now there is need to build a new pipe. Over the next few years, the 17km pipe is being built in sections across West and Central Auckland, in many cased through major intersection and long busy traffic routes.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Hunua 4 Watermain

This project is for Section 11 of the Hunua 4 Watermain project. This takes the pipeline from Market Rd through to Burleigh St in the city. Utilising busy, city streets as the route creates many issues involving high traffic volumes, noise in residential areas, access to businesses and residents, as well as very deep shafts that need protecting.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Hingaia Road

Widening of Hingaia road with 2 lane each way and a cycle way and upgrade pedestrian routes. It involved full depth pavement reconstruction of the road. Maintaining access was crucial as it is a main road for the area and there is a school right in the middle of the project area.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

East Waikato Network Outcomes Contract

The EWNOC project is the delivery of maintenance works on the East Waikato State Highway network. This involves a lot of resurfacing works, as well as other non-standard maintenance. The work locations vary (urban, high speed rural, Level 1, Level 2, gorges, mountainous, etc) and the timeframes for completing works is typically short

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Dairy Flat Highway Safety Improvements

A dangerous road environment – the intersection of Coatesville Riverhead Highway and Dairy Flat Highway (formerly State Highway 17) is an accident black spot, high speed and tightly constrained. This project aims to completely reshape this high risk space. The challenge is to do so whilst maintaining full existing function during construction – and ensure safety of road users and road workers in the process.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Clevedon Water and Wastewater Network

Network improvements through the Clevedon Area (to and from the Ardmore pump station) are necessary for network growth and resilience. Unfortunately the road network in this area is a series of narrower high speed roads giving little room to accommodate construction concurrent with normal traffic flow.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Auckland Transport Southwest Urban Maintenance Contract

Auckland’s roading network requires constant renewal maintenance and given it’s size – the region is split into contract areas and the South West Urban area (Managed by Downer NZ) is one of the largest. Given the size, significant resource is required and Parallaxx provides supplementary TMP design support to Downer to maintain productivity in their contractual obligations and keep the network in good shape.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Auckland Transport South Rural Maintenance Contract

Maintaining Auckland’s vast road network requires a partitioned approach – and the South Rural area is compartmentalised into one contract area. The unique challenge of this area is the high speed (and still relatively high volume), narrow, and vast nature of the contract area. From a Traffic Management point of view – a high volume of work is required – necessitating responsive and flexible TMP design and management.

Nelson St 22kV Upgrade

Auckland Transport Safer Schools

Auckland Transport approached them to assist with developing COPTTM compliant temporary solutions to trial methods for slowing traffic around local schools in Auckland. The challenge was understanding the aims of AT and the schools and finding a solution that complied with COPTTM, and could be installed for one day only