If you are selecting to not open an account with Parallaxx you will be required to pay in advance for your TMP
I am an EXISTING Parallaxx customer I am NEW client to Parallaxx
1. Email address *
2. Who's the request for (your name) *
3. The organisation who this request is for *
(who are we billing)
4. Your mobile number *
5. Once complete, this TMP needs to be *
Returned to me (the requesting person) Submitted to the Road Controlling Authority (RCA) Returned to me (requesting person) then submit to the RCA Other
6. Work Information
(what work is happening & where)
7. What is the work activity?
(the more detail the better)
8. Will the TMP be required to allow for continuous work over multiple days? *
(i.e a 'long term' operation) or is this a daily 'in and out' activity?
Complete the following location AND please provide a sketch, aerial markup or similar imagery (i.e photos) by email to info@parallaxx.co.nz to ensure correct TMP preparation
9. Work Location *
(physical address)
10. Where is the work located? *
(select all that apply)
Carriageway - In the Road (where the traffic drives) Carriageway - Shoulder (outside the edgeline, where the traffic doesn't drive) Front Berm (grass or similr - between footpath & road) Back Berm (grass or similar - between foothpath & boundary) Foothpath (part of all) Other
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Work Dates
(please provide as accurate as possible date information and work duration. Include contingency if appropriate).
11. The actual work itself needs how many days/ nights/ weeks/ months? *
(DO NOT give a window, give actual work requirements)
12. This work duration includes appropriate contingency *
Yes No
13. When would you like the first day of work to begin? DD/MM/YYYY *
14. When would you like the end of the work window to finish? DD/MM/YYYY *
(i.e end date of the TMP) (must not be less than the required workdays)
15. Will this TMP be required multiple times? *
Yes No
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Working Hours
(Remember working hours may be restricted by the Road Controlling Authority (for Level 2, roads this is typically 9am-4pm weekdays, 7am-7pm weekends and 9pm -6am night works))
16. What working hours are you hoping for? *
(do not include Traffic Management setup & removal time)
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Traffic Management Requirements
This is the TMP methodology you are expecting needing (if you don't know, we can assist you). If during the TMP design process your desired Traffic Management method needs to change, we will get in touch and discuss this with you.
17.Traffic Management Type
(select all that apply)
I don't know, you tell me Site Access Shoulder Closure Foothpath/Berm Closure or Diversion Partial Lane Closure (some-way into the road but not pushing traffic across the centreline) Contraflow (realigning the traffic lanes and adjusting the centreline with cones) Stop/Go Operation Temporary Traffic Signals Operation Lane Closure (of a multi-lane road) Chicane One-Way Road Closure (one-way detour) Road Closure Other
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Principal Contract (Asset Owner)
This is the individual commissioning the work - the OWNER OF THE ASSET (i.e Auckland Transport, Vector, Watercare). Another contractor (if this job is subcontracted), or a consultant is NOT the principal
18. Principal Contact Name *
19. Principal Contact Company/Organisation *
20. Is this Principal already an AT customer? *
(do they have an existing customer number or have they been billed by AT before)
Yes No (they will need to fill out a new customer form- download from link below)
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21. Do we already have the Principal Contact Info for this person in our records? *
YES (skip the next 2 questions) NO (complete the information below)
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Contractor Contact (who is doing the work)
This is the person responsible for the work activity on site (they are named on the TMP as the 'Contractors Representative')
24. I am the Contractor contact (person filling in this form) *
(if yes, we have your information already)
YES (continue to the next section) NO (complete all questions in this section)
28. Who will undertake the Traffic Management Onsite? *
Please supply this for me An external provider (please provide their name below) We will supply the traffic Management ourselves - skip to the next section
29. External TTM Provider
(The external TTM provider I'm using)
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Financial Information
(So we can ensure things are processed smoothly internally and externally)
30. Purchase order for this TMP request is *
31. If submission to the Road Controlling Authority is required, who will accept the application costs?
I will (purchase order required below) Watercare Services (A WSL PO No. for the CAR charges (starting with 4500) is required) Another Bill Payer Other
32. The Purchase Order for the submission Charge is
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If the Bill Payer is NOT Utility, Auckland Transport, Auckland Council or NZTA - the following form must be completed and returned (E2 Form)
Auckland Transport alternate bill payer Form (E2 Form): E2 Form
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