Nelson St 22kV Upgrade


Stockman General Contractors


Auckland CBD


Recent (finished in the last 12 months)


Auckland's CBD development over recent years (and continuing) means a higher demand on the electricity network and not unexpectedly, upgrade work is occurring in parallel to ensure supply can meet demand and network resilience is appropriate. A major component of that was the upgrade of the 22kV line running the full length of Nelson St. Obviously this is an extremely busy corridor meaning a high degree of planning and coordination was necessary to even break ground.


Parallaxx worked with NZTA, Auckland Transport, Vector and Stockman General Contractors to design, plan and implement a Traffic Management strategy that kept disruption to a minimum and achieve efficient construction. Extensive traffic modelling was undertaken, numerous reviewed TTM concept plans and extensive communications using print media, radio and VMS boards.


The result was a cohesive robust Traffic Management plan that supported construction and caused minimal disruption. The use of the Christmas holiday period, weekend and night works meant for harmonious construction at times of least demand.


Dave Tilton
Lady Lising
Jaleel Sales

Equipment used

Coming soon


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