Advantages of Acquiring a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) Design for your Personal Event

Veronica Pamintuan
Advantages of Acquiring a Traffic Management Plan TMP Design for your Personal Event

The NZTA’s Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) states in section A7.1.1:

“Traffic Management Plans detail the measures to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the safety for all people involved in the activity.

It is a document describing the nature and extent of TTM at a worksite and how road users (including pedestrians and cyclists) will be managed by the use of TTM measures.

The TMPs are required for all activities that vary the normal operating conditions of a road, irrespective of whether the activity is on a carriageway, on a footpath, or on a road shoulder.

The TMPs are also needed for activities outside the road reserve, which will affect the normal operating conditions of the road.

Depending on the size, duration and location of the worksite multiple TMPs (or a TMP with multiple TMDs) may be required for various stages of the work.”

This will also be the same for any personal event that you may have coming up or planning to run in the near future. 

Traffic Management plans for an event, as part of the General Procedures, the TMP will be implemented as follows once on-site:

  1. Public and site staff safety hazards to be identified and a mitigation plan determined. 
  2. Traffic control signs to be installed – extra advanced warning signs may be required. 
  3. Delineation devices (cones) to be used to mark signage positions and laid as a device to control traffic flow and direction.
  4. Site staff to be guided into the site and inspected for compliance of safety measures.


A well-designed and coordinated traffic management plan should provide:

  • Safety to all road users, pedestrians and cyclists. 
  • Protection to event participants, organisers and the general public from traffic hazards that may arise. 
  • Minimise disruption, congestion and delays to all road users

Having a well laid out Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will assist you with getting the approval you require in a shorter time frame. 

An accurate and easy-to-understand Traffic management plan design is essential as it will be the main reference for the traffic management controllers in executing their jobs to avoid conflicts with event activities, traffic and pedestrians. 

Parallaxx has full capability to provide our clients fast and effective TMPs in various projects, from events, utility works, motorway and complex urban construction. TMPs are our bread and butter.

To learn more about us and our TMPs, call 0800 333 772 or visit our website at

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