This is the Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency TTMP Workshop. Update (October 2020): We are currently scheduling additional workshops in the main centres and areas with high demand. In the meantime, join the waiting list for the location that best suits you. That way we know where to add additional workshops. You will be the first to know when they become available. Thank you for your patience.
Note: This workshop is brokered by Parallaxx Ltd for Waka Kotahi. Parallaxx facilitate the workshop schedule, venue hire, trainers schedule and delegate workshop assessment marking to Waka Kotahi appointed trainers and subject matter experts. This is a Waka Kotahi workshop, not a Parallaxx workshop.
The Temporary Traffic Management Planner (TTMP) Workshop (2 days) focuses on planning the Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) for a worksite, with an emphasis on worksites that impact lane capacity. The workshop has been designed for STMSs, Project planners, TMCs, TMP approvers and auditors. This is an Waka Kotahi workshop, not a Parallaxx workshop.
About the TTMP workshop
The CoPTTM Governance Group (CGG) prioritised the development of a planning workshop for TMP designers, reviewers and approvers.
Waka Kotahi has developed the workshop and introduced a new qualification of Temporary Traffic Management Planner (TTMP). The issuing of this qualification is dependent on the attendees completing the workshop and a back at work assessment.
The 2-day workshop focusses on planning the TTM for a worksite, with an emphasis on worksites that impact lane capacity.
The workshop has been designed with the following roles in mind:
- TMP designers developing TTM documents
- Project planners
- TMCs and other TMP approvers
- Auditors.
This workshop is fully aligned with the recently introduced Waka Kotahi Training and Competency Model. As the different roles in the Training and Competency Model are confirmed within the TTM warrant system any attendees who have already undertaken the TTMP workshop and associated assessments will be given the opportunity to apply for the warrant. This means all previously successful workshop attendees can gain full credit for prior attendance.
Key dates are as follows:
- TTM Planners must either hold the warrant or be enrolled on a TTM Planner workshop by 30 April 2021
- There will be a phase in period through to 30 April 2021 to allow time for people to attend training and complete the assessment
- By 30 April 2021, all TMPs submitted for approval must be prepared by a CoPTTM warranted TTM Planner
- The availability of workshops will continue following 30 April 2021 to cover changing roles.
What is covered in the workshop?
- Identifying matters to be addressed
- Planning the closure(s)
- Planning for other considerations
- Planning for the road users
- Resolving conflicts
- Developing the Full TMP
- Submitting the Full TMP for approval
- Reviewing approval documentation (eg TMP, consent to work, other authorisations)
- Pre-implementation of the Full TMP
- Implementing the Full TMP
- Completing a TTM review.
Note: During the workshop drawing standards for a TMD will be outlined. Computer aided design software such as RapidPlan and AutoCAD will be introduced as a demonstration only. There will be no formal training.
Follow-up training sessions can be arranged with practitioners for each of the worksite drawing options. A list of these practitioners will be made available during the workshop.
Eligibility for attendance
To be eligible, attendee’s must:
- Hold a current L1 STMS or an STMS Cat A/B-NP warrant
- Be competent with word processing to an intermediate level (add/amend tables, format text etc.)
- Be able to navigate the Waka Kotahi CoPTTM to find required information
- Be able to clearly express an idea in writing (completion of a detailed Full TMP form)
- This workshop will be restricted to 15 attendees
- The charge for the workshop is $995 + GST per person
- Payment must be made prior to attending the workshop
- Assessment will be by review of an approved full form TMP that has been implemented on a road network
- The assessment and the process for submission of the TMP will be further explained on the workshop
- Local conditions which allow an approval below the required standard MUST be outlined, discussed and accepted by the review team PRIOR to the TMP being submitted FOR APPROVAL. If this does not happen the TMP will not be considered for sign off for the warrant
- The warrant will be issued once the submitted TMP has been agreed as meeting the acceptable standard as demonstrated on the workshop
- There will be a charge of $400.00 + GST per assessment for the review of the submitted TMP. This fee is to cover the time for the reviewer to review and give feedback
- The charge for issuing the warrant card will be $40 + GST (this is invoiced together with the 1st assessment marking fee)
- Warrant card is only issued for TTMP-Practicing (once an assessment has been marked as Achieved)
- On behalf of Waka Kotahi, Parallaxx Limited is coordinating the workshops, invoicing and the receipt of the assessments
- If there is a need to discuss registration at a workshop (or progress on an assessment), please email
- If there is a need to discuss the content of the workshop or requirements for TTM Planners, please email
NOTE: TTMP Non-Practicing Warrant is valid for only 12 months from the date when a person attended the workshop. If future assessments are submitted after the TTMP-NP expiry, they will not be accepted, unless the TTMP -NP warrant is re-obtained.
What to Bring
- A laptop with Microsoft Office or equivalent for opening word documents, spreadsheets, videos and PDFs.
- Make sure you have downloaded the course material to your laptop (this will be sent in a separate email prior to the course starting).
- A TMP you are currently working on or have questions about (saves trying to dig it up in the workshop).
- Lunches are provided but attendees are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs plus evening meals