NZ Certificate in Traffic Incident Management is here!

Dave Tilton
MicrosoftTeams image 17

For some time, the Traffic Management Industry has been in need of career pathways. More than just a job title – but qualifications recognising the capability of those who manage high-risk road environments every day.

Now we have just that. By the end of 2021 we will have two New Zealand Certificates recognising the true value of on road crews who keep people safe each day.

The first is live now – the NZ Certificate in Traffic Incident Management (TIM). This Level 3 certificate is offered through Connexis and aims to develop the capability of any operator who is charged with managing incidents on our roading network.

Temporary Traffic Management is a risky business even with the benefit of time, space and a long planning period. But try doing it when responding to high-pressure ever-changing incidents on the road network where quick accurate decision making is critical.

That’s where this qualification comes in. In working through this qualification you will cover:

  • –  Assess risks to ensure the safety of first responders and road users to a traffic incident,

  • – Respond, monitor, and adjust traffic incident response to reduce incident duration and restore normal traffic flow as soon as is safely possible; and

  • – Complete documentation and post incident procedures to re-open a traffic incident site.

This qualification is immensely valuable for any who conduct traffic incident response as part of their normal operations such as maintenance contractors, utility providers, traffic management organisations or even major projects.

Its been a long time coming that the Traffic Management Industry has a formal way of recognising competence and capability in our people in the NZQA framework. Now we have it, lets get stuck in. 

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