Understanding the TTM Training and Competency Model

Tash Taylor

 Are you moving to the new Training and Competency model and not sure where to start? Then this might just be the blog for you.

Existing qualifications are still valid till they expire, but did you know since October 1st, 2021:

–  TCs can no longer setup and remove worksites, and

–  Level 2/3 NP STMS’ will no longer be able to manage shoulder closures, and parts of a capital works project.

Our STMS Refresher workshop goes through these changes and other changes to CoPTTM which might be worthwhile attending.

Changes Covered in this Workshop are:

Introduction of categories of road environment (A, B, C)

–  Renaming of the Site Traffic Mangement Supervisor (STMS) role to Site Traffic Management Supervisor Specialist (STMS).

–  Amendments to the STMS responsibilities.

–  Amendments to responsibilities of a TC (and phase our of this role)

–  Introduction of additional roles of;

–  Traffic Management Operative (TMO)

–  STMS Mobile Operations – STMS (M)

–  Amendments to A6 Training to list the learning blocks covered in the Waka Kotahi training and competency model and link to the website for details of each roadside activities.

–  Amendments to requirements for inspection type activities.
You can also try our new workshop selector to help you identify the right training and assessment to meet your needs

Not sure which workshop or course you need to do? Take this 30 Second Quiz to make sure you choose the correct one.


Use this table below to get a quick overview of how your existing qualification can be refreshed and what category of road the new qualification relates to

No Qualification - new to TTM
Level 1 TC - expired
Level 1 TC - Current
Level1 STMS - Expired for more than 1 year
Level 1 STMS – current or less than 1 year expired
Level 2/3 NP STMS – current or expired less than 1 year
Level 2/3 STMS Practising – current or expired less than 1 year
New Training Workshop Required
TTM Worker Workshop
TMO Non-Practising
Refresh at TMO
Followed by a TMO Practical Assessment OR Move on to STMS Universal (knowledge/Pre-requisite for STMS AB NP & STMS C NP
STMS CAT AB NP Workshop Followed by an STMS CAT A and/or B Practical Assessment *You do not need to complete STMS U first and/or STMS CAT C NP Workshop Followed by an STMS CAT C Practical Assessment *You do not need to complete STMS U first
STMS Refresher A/B/C (A & B only are awarded) Followed by an STMS CAT A and/or B Practical Assessment
STMS Refresher A/B/C Followed by an STMS CAT A and/or B and/or C Practical Assessment to become a Practising STMS CAT A/B/C STMS Refresher A/B/C Followed by an STMS CAT A and/or B and/or C Practical Assessment
Following a Practical Assessment Level/Category of Road They Can Work On
Under the direction of the STMS
Monitoring the worksite and allowed to set up closures outside of the live lane with a marked edge line
Monitoring the worksite and allowed to set up closures outside of the live lane with a marked edge line
CAT A = LV, L1 and L2 Low speed roads (60/km/h and less) CAT B = LV, L1 and L2 High speed two-way two-lane roads (70km/h and more) CAT C=L1, L2 and L3 High Speed multi-lane roads (70km/h and more)
CAT A = LV, L1 and L2 Low speed roads (60/km/h and less) CAT B = LV, L1 and L2 High speed two-way two-lane roads (70km/h and more) CAT C = L1, L2 and L3 High Speed multi-lane roads (70km/h and more)
CAT A = LV, L1 and L2 Low speed roads (60/km/h and less) CAT B = LV, L1 and L2 High speed two-way two-lane roads (70km/h and more) CAT C = L1, L2 and L3 High Speed multi-lane roads (70km/h and more)
CAT A = LV, L1 and L2 Low speed roads (60/km/h and less) CAT B = LV, L1 and L2 High speed two-way two-lane roads (70km/h and more) `CAT C = L1, L2 and L3 High Speed multi-lane roads (70km/h and more)
If you would like further help with deciding what the right training is for you and your organisation,
please do not hesitate to contact our training team – training@parallaxx.co.nz We will be more than happy to assist you.

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