Road Safety Billboards


Road Safety Billboards NZ




Ongoing (cyclic)


Across New Zealand every driver would have interacted at some point with a road safety billboard encouraging safe behaviour and good decision making whilst using New Zealand's road network. The maintenance of these billboards is no small feat - and of course requires safe and efficient Traffic Management that largely goes unseen. With a huge number of sites, and a demanding maintenance programme, fast and responsive TMP design is critical.


Parallaxx partners with Road Safety Billboards to provide responsive TMP design and management to make sure every site can be visited as and when required, with appropriate safe Traffic Management alongside. An excellent relationship with Road Controlling Authorities across New Zealand is critical to this cyclic work.


Sometimes, if you don’t see it - its working perfectly. This is one of those examples. The maintenance schedule for billboards is being nicely maintained and most of that activity goes unseen which is a testament to the responsiveness of the contractor and the support Parallaxx provides in the TMP design space.


Darrin Humphries
Lady Lising

Equipment used

Coming soon


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